What can I say except divine inspiration! This latest collection is a wonderfull world full of classic charm and cute to boot gowns. Lets just say there was way too much for me and I went a little into over drive and tried on almost everything….twice.
Apart from the fashion that captivates me every single time I go in to the store, I simply adore this seasons inclusions of mood boards in the displays. Personally I’m a big fan of the mood board as it can really help to get your thoughts together plus I have always found them great fun to make. So to have a few in-store to really help express the ideas and themes behind the collection was a wonderful touch.
The store itself isn’t exactly big, however they have provided one thing that I am very particular about. It is this one simply thing that can let any store, lingerie or otherwise down…..fitting rooms. So many places seem to build fitting rooms as if they were an after thought. In my perspective (and having working in retail fashion I have seen both sides) the style, size, shape and location of fitting rooms can make or break a woman’s shopping experience. Without the right mirrors, lighting and often ‘feeling’ people can leave your store actually sadder than when they came in. I used to know one brand who’s stores had the worst mirrors around, unless you went to one specific member of their group. 9 out 10 store mirrors would make you look ill or 10kgs heavier except for one stores, funny how that store always seemed to do better than the others. Thankfully at Kitten this is not a problem. Big fitting rooms welcome you and your entourage (if you shop with one) so you can try and play with the fashion, which means you will walk away with much more than you thought you intended.

So with well versed staff and fantastic clothing it was time to get lost in the fashion. Thankfully I had KendieDoll with me to help save the bank balance but i still walked away one very happy little doll. Watch this space for shots of the outfits.

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