When this is the first thing you see as you walk up to a venue you know your in the right place. Funny after all the cars I saw at Wintersun I didn’t see a stretch Chevy like this. So of course I had to take a photo.
Once inside it was wonderful to see so many stalls which such diverse treasures, everything from shoes to jewels, even collections of buttons. Plus I did stumble (ok not so much stumble as hunt down) Jacinta from Circa Hats.

Also in my searching I came across this sweet little dress ring, as well as a pair of navy and white gloves. Perfect for this cold Melbourne weather, and lets face it nothing say a night out at the theatre like a pair of finely tailored gloves. I did manage to pick up a couple of full floral skirts and a super sweet pale green day dress. Thankfully the green dress will match wonderfully with my velvet heels that got a very good work out modelling and dancing at Wintersun.

Just blog hopping and ran across yours and wanted to say hi! I LOVE all things vintage. I have an awesome apron collection..and yes I do wear them around the house to cook and clean in! I also, a few weeks ago bought a vintage nightgown and matching robe (I forgot the real name for it...i think it starts wit a p...) any who I should blog about it!! It is sooo Doris Day, why don't they make nightgown the way they did?
have a great week!
Thanks for reading.
if you love nightgowns and slips check out What Katie Did from the UK they have some fantastic things.
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