In this modern world where we have phones, ipad’s, laptops and a thousand and one gizmo’s that tell us where we are and where we should be I am still a big fan of the written diary. Sure it may not be in fashion but for me there is something about actually writing things down that make events more real to me. I guess its like the difference for me shopping using cold hard cash versus eftpos cards. You are more aware of your purchase, not just the bill/statement you get a month later.
In a recent trip to Kiki K – a cool stationery shop near me – I found this groovy diary planner for family’s or in may case office/event manager. With a layout providing a column for each person in your group so you can see what everyone is up to in any given week. And as we are half way through the year its now only $15 which means you can trial it at a discount price. With a week to a opening its nice that you really can see what’s ahead and room for up to 5 ‘people’ there is more than enough room, as well as the much needed address section you can always find the info you need at your finger tips.

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