I was invited to a media launch for a company that I work my 9 – 5 job with this week, which was a good chance to have a laugh with bosses and co-workers. Thankfully the are a pretty awesome bunch of people to work with who work very hard and play hard too so it was always going to be a good night.
There was a competition to see who was the best dressed office, which is funny as most of the staff (reps and tradies) wear uniforms so anything other than their black work pants and logoed work shirt was bound to be an improvement. So with that in mind I decided to make a bit of splash as I’m currently the only girl in my team. I was tempted to come in a victor/Victoria inspired outfit, but thought “embrace the only girl in your office” thinking and went for pinup. Ok so there wasn’t a huge amount of convincing especially as a little package for the USA recently arrived.

This meant I wore my darling black and electric blue accented full skirt dress from Pin up Couture. I’m so glad the postman delivered this is time; you’ve got to love a reason to break out a new frock.
Sadly I am waiting on photo's to come back so here is the catalogue shot from pinup couture of my dress. enjoy
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