Here in Melbourne we have one of the oddest public holidays in the calendar, yep we all get the day off to watch 'the race that stops the nation' otherwise known as the Melbourne Cup. Yes you are reading that right we get a day off to dress up in our finest frocks and hats that only see the light of day once a year if we're really honest while we have a few drinks and watch horses race.
For most of us its only a little bit about the horses and having a flutter on the race. Many go (and yes I'm talking about the ladies here) just to the fashions on the field. It's not all champagne and looking fabulous as the Melbourne Cup seems to have convinced us all, there is one tradition that only long term cup go-ers know....its the weather. As we are in Melbourne it's not strange to have four seasons in any one day but Cup day has a rule all of its own.
There are only two weather types if your attending the cup
1. Blistering heat
or 2. Pouring down rain.
So unless your in a marquee its essential to watch those weather forecasts as you don't want to end up stuck in the mud while wearing your new heels that you just had to have for that perfect race day dress. This year the fashions were a real mixed bag and I guess that hat that Princess Beatrice wore at the royal wedding wasn't enough of a warning to some to really think about their choices. Personally I like the elegant and classy fascinator or wide brimmed hat and the less avant-guard.
In the end it rained this year but Green Moon won so its swings and round-a-bouts I guess. The bubbles flowed and the fashion gave all us gals something to talk about, so overall a good day was had by all especially as I spend my cup day at home with friends wearing silly hats and having a laugh. I think I like this best as you get to spend the day with out the huge expense, no lines for the bathrooms and a great sound system playing your favourite songs.
Happy Race Season to you all.