I admit I am a shopping addict at the best of times, and yes this is no exception. With the up and coming trip north for a fashion shoot it’s about time I made sure I had some options for myself. So with the promise of cupcakes, sparkles and maybe an afternoon wine I made the trek into the back streets of Melbourne. Ok so these backstreets come fully equipped with lights, cafes and sometimes parking maybe trek is the wrong world; stroll then.

First off to hit Chapel Street, now I love the area known as Windsor. Bit grubby but well worth it especially when you hit Chapel St Bazzar. This is on one of the best 2nd hand stores I've ever frequented. Its a maze of little stalls under one big roof, with everything from clothing to posters to furniture. My mission was for clothing, however I did come across these great photo's of Bettie Page, the Bunny Yeager /Irving Klaw girls. A bit on the pricey side so they made have to wait a couple of weeks before they come home, but cute none the less

And guess who's dress was in the window. That's right Ms SKM's. Great stuff but sadly not the things I'm looking for so it was on to the next store. From there it was onto Greville Road to find Route 66. One of my fav little store's, but sadly also no joy but I will be heading to their city store next weekend as my name is on a few pieces that they didn't have my size in. However I did walk away with a great little black bowling shirt.

Then I struck gold when I hit Dangerfield. My best budd MiiKii and I discovered this store a couple of years ago, its now a franchisee but this one on Greville always seems to have great pieces compared to the others. So throwing caution to the wind (you gotta love up to 50% off sales) I picked up a tight 'wiggle dress' , little black double button satin skirt, and a very groovy little tee. Ok so maybe its not everyone's cup of tea but its this image above but in black and white. If you don't know who this is its Traci Lords from the movie Cry Baby. A movie I can only describe as part musical, part comdey, part romance and all fantastic. You gotta love a movie with Johnny Depp, Traci Lords and Rickie Lake.

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