Now its no secret apart from my love of vintage I have a real weakness for Gothic/Victorian clothing and since getting my hot little hands on my new dress from Gallery Serpentine I have had a few 'goth' moments of late. One of which included a trip to the Tim Burton Exhibition currently being held at Federation Square in Melbourne.
Currently running until the 10th of October (Open daily 10am-6pm. Special late night Thursdays until 10pm) you can see so many wonderful pieces that make up the history of the Tim Burton films. I did indulge and picked up the unlimited entry pass for $45 so I could wander around when ever I'm in the city. However you can also get a single entry pass for $19 full price or Concession $14 or Family $55 (2 adults, 3 children) Each extra child $10. If your not sure who Tim Burton is well.......he's the creative genius behind such movies as Alice in Wonderland, Sweeny Todd, The Corpse Bride and my favorite Nightmare before Christmas.
There is something about his movies that transports me and is the perfect blind of goth, fantasy and dream that keeps me spellbound.
The exhibition brings together works, including paintings, drawings, puppets, costumes, storyboards and film. Personally when I found various items from the movies I adore I was super happy. Like the blades from Sweeny Todd and clothing from Alice in Wonderland.
So jump into the city and have a look for yourself, maybe even splash out and get the audio tour.
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