Its time to check the bank account, dress up in your favorite winter vintage garb and head to the 11th Melbourne ‘The Way We Wear Fair’; which looks like the biggest ever. Not sure what your going to find well here’s a hint with dealers from all over Australia you’ll find vintage, designer and retro clothing for sale plus fashion accessories, jewellery, buttons and bows and linen and lace, fashion ephemera such as patterns and women’s magazine PLUS for the first time they are including retro and vintage home wares from the 1940’s to 1980’s.
Plus, as with each of these amazing fairs these a theme, this year Fairgoers will enter the foyer of the Town Hall to see the first part of the ‘Dressed for the Voyage’ Exhibition with original ‘Titanic’ era costume and the ‘stories’ that go with each of the costumes. On the stage, there will be the second part of the exhibition.
If that wasn’t enough at approximately 2pm on Saturday and Sunday there will be the ‘Dressed for the Voyage’ FASHION PARADE with original costume be modelled and the story about who would have worn the outfit aboard the ‘Titanic’.
Want to know more - then visit:
www.dressedforthevoyage.co & www.titaniccentenarydinneraustralia.com
SATURDAY 23 & SUNDAY 24 JULY 2011 See you there!!!!!
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