This is not my normal "wow Amanda Palmer is amazing"; ok so in a way
it is but its also about all of the people out there that make a
difference. This is a call to arms you could say.

Basically Amanda and the GTO need some help to fund their music. The fundraiser lasts for 30 days with the aim to raise $100,000 for the album/tour/artbook. Now that's a lot of money when the minimum pledge is $1, thats a lot of love from fans needed. And thats exactly what Amanda and the GTO have recieved.
On saturday night I put my money where my heart is and pledged to help this project and thanks to many others the stats look like this (as of monday when i checked.)
BACKERS : 10,382
GOAL: $100,000
WOW!!!!!! is all I can say, and yes this does restore my faith in a world where digital priracy is everywhere. This is people saying I will give YOU the ARTIST the money to SUPPORT YOU. Every time I watch the clip I get teary as I reminds me of the days when artist were supported by individual people not just large corporations.
"Update #1: welcome to the project! HOLY FUCK

i have so much to say to you all, but let me point out the most important thing, really, truly:
YOU GUYS CREATED THE RAGING FIRESTORM that made this crazed success possible.
the moment we launched, i watched you all spreading the link, creating
facebook groups to get the house parties, supporting at whatever level
you could, telling people what you'd done…i watched the twittersphere
and blogosphere going BERSERK with shared information: that was YOU,
that was not me.
it's still happening.
the word about the record and the kickstarter is spreading like madness....via the people who are supporting it.
THAT'S HOW IT WORKS. so THANK YOU. we all did this together.
thank you not only for backing at whatever level you did: but for BEING THE MEDIA.

we all went to work and we all did our part to spread the information.
and look what it did. the whole world is watching, and it's awesome. the SCALE of this means we're making history.
i've been doing this crazy job for a long, long time. and i've never felt stronger, braver, and more supported...i feel like i'm crowdsurfing on a sea of 10,000 loving's the best feeling in the world.

and seriously? WAIT UNTIL YOU HEAR THE're going to flip your shit.
i go into the NYC mastering studio with john & michael this thursday to finalize the sound and song order. i'll try to get some video for you.
i love you all so much.
i'm in a bit of a daze. things are about to GO MENTAL....thanks for being on this beautiful ride with me, the band, and my whole team.
yesterday we did a photoshoot in NYC with my friend kyle cassidy...and this one's for you guys:"
So from one fan here in melbourne i say "I LOVE AND SUPPORT YOU". Yes we are the media, yes we are the ones who can hold the special ones in this world high, we CAN support each other. LOVE YOU AMANDA FROM TIKIDOLL
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