Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Its that time of the year again....Halloween.

Personally I adore Halloween, hey any excuse to play dressups and eat candy. Honestly its not the only reason, but hey candy is candy. For me its a nice connection to All saints day and the festival of the dead. Yep that sounds depressing but I prefer to see it as a time when we can connected with the people that have passed.

Slowly Halloween is becoming a bigger event in Australia. If your in Melbourne its a great chance to go on one of the local ghost tours where you can really get your spook on. LOL

So right now I'm in planning mode for my own Halloween decoration. Of course there will be lots of cut outs of bats and skeletons. But my pride and joy for those visiting me over the Halloween weekend will be my candy buffet. Todays mission is actually going hunting for candy jars and of course candy in spooky colours.

So dust of your broomsticks, grab your pointy hat and lets get magical.


If your mind wanders let it lead you here. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino