Push The Button performed by Sugababes
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
30 songs in 60 days challenge pt16
Push The Button performed by Sugababes
Sunday, May 29, 2011
30 songs in 60 days challenge pt15
Just A Song About Ping Pong performed by Operator Please
Ok so hate is a strong word, this one just drives me crazy. Maybe I'm a bit too old and its for the youth of today but it drives me nuts. Anyway listen and make up your own mind.
Friday, May 27, 2011
30 songs in 60 days challenge pt14
Spooky performed by The Puppini Sisters
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
30 songs in 60 days challenge pt13
Addicted performed by Waldeck
Monday, May 23, 2011
30 songs in 60 days challenge pt12
Even if you're missing fingers you can make a fist ...by The Barons Of Tang

Saturday, May 21, 2011
30 songs in 60 days song challenge part11
The Hotdog Man by Tripod
There are so many songs from Tripod that make me laugh including "lingering dad", "stalk you" and "gonna make you happy tonight". However this song "the hot dog man" has always made me laugh no matter how many times I hear. Sure its no surprise at Gatesy's confusion mid song but it still makes me giggle.
Friday, May 20, 2011
On the road

Its almost the end of the month which means its time to find a fabulous frock and get ready for the Inaugural Melbourne Vintage Clothing, Jewellery & Textiles Show. What could be better than 3 days featuring over 60 exhibitors from all over Australia, selling vintage and antique clothing and accessories, antique and vintage jewellery, linen, lace and textiles and small collectables.
Apart from the fantastic exhibitors selling all manner of fantastic gems the show will also feature a presentation of vintage fashions, lectures by Guest Speakers, Swing Dancers, Demonstration of Vintage Makeup and Hairstyle Techniques and other fabulous entertainment - see program page for more details.
When: 27 - 29th May 2011
Fri 27th May 2011 5.30pm - 9pm
Sat 28th May 2011 9.30am - 5.30pm
Sun 29th May 2011 10.00am - 4.00pm
Epsom Road, Ascot Vale VIC 3032
Tickets available at the door
Single Day
Adults $14, Pensioner $10, Children 10-16yrs $5, Under 10yrs free, Family $30
Two Day Ticket
Adults $24, Pensioner $16, Children 10-16yrs $8
Hope to see you all there!!!!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
30 songs in 60 days song challenge part10
For many years I have adored Ani Difranco's work, her combination of folk style music and poetry really speaks to me. Its hard to choose just one song of hers that describes me or speaks to me but there is one line in this piece that just calls to me. In essence I guess its what I hope my writing/poetry/blogs do.
at least, not last time i checked
i'm too easy to roll over
i'm too easy to wreck
i just write about
what i should have done
i just sing
what i wish i could say
and hope somewhere
some woman hears my music
and it helps her through her day"
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Your Mission should you choose to except it
Something old, something new,
we’ve made a difference,
now so can you.
All monetary proceeds from the evening go towards the Prahran Mission.
Information regarding tickets is available via their website, and regular updates of the event are being made both through Twitter and Facebook.
VENUE: Red Bennies, Level 1, 373 Chapel Street, South Yarra
DATE: Wednesday, the 1st of June, 2011
DOORS OPEN: 7:00pm
TICKETS: $20 for Student/Concession; $30 for Full Price.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
30 songs in 60 days song challenge part9
Dance Myself to Sleep by Bert and Ernie
There are so many songs from my childhood I could pick but I decided to go with a Sesame Street classic from Bert and Ernie. Even to this day the line " I'm getting kinda drowsy so the moment has come, to grab my rubber ducky while the sheep take my chum" I still start laughing. So a big thanks to Jim Henson for all the wonderful memories!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Inspiration for the day
Zooey Deschanel by TikiDoll featuring dial watches
Peep toe shoes, 125 GBP
Mini bag, 105 GBP
Bow jewelry, 11 GBP
Sprout Watches dial watch, $65
Harlow Faux Mink Coat. Buy Online at Glassons.com, $100
Zooey Deschanel
Sunday, May 15, 2011
30 songs in 60 days song challenge part8
Ok so we all knew my favourite Melbourne artist Barry would get on this list at some point. I just adore this song as it makes me think of my family and how there were always endless cups of tea and slices of cake for anyone who turned up our door.
Friday, May 13, 2011
30 songs in 60 days song challenge part7

A great song from Linkin Park that is wonderful to sing really loud on the days when everything gets to you. So turn this up loud and scream the lyrics, trust me it will make you feel better.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
30 songs in 60 days song challenge part6
Monday, May 9, 2011
30 songs in 60 days challenge pt5
Bad Wine and Lemon Cake by The Jane Austen Argument
This song was on a recent release of Amanda's (yes you all knew she'd get in this list at some point) and thankfully she introduced me to The Jane Austen Argument and the beautiful sound of Tom Dickenson. I find his voice so captivating that I could listen to him sing for hours on end. I have actually been lucky enough to not only see The Jane Austen Argument perform here at the Butterfly club in melbourne but also with the amazing Amanda Palmer. This song does make me sad but in a good way, if there is such a thing. It just reaffirms my belief that music is food for the soul as it can lift you up, hold you and often say what you can't seem to. Enjoy!!!!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mothers Day

For my readers please spend some time thinking about your mother and all she has done for you. Don't get wrapped up in the big commercial side, instead remember when a hand made card and a gift when you were little would bring her smiles. Its the fact you took time to think of her, so bake her a cake, make her lunch or simply spend some time doing what she likes.
Much love to all the mum's out there.

Saturday, May 7, 2011
30 songs in 60 days challenge pt4
Anywhere by Evanescence
Thursday, May 5, 2011
30 songs in 60 days challenge pt3
Your Guardian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
This song was recently given to me as part of a tradition I have with my friends. I ask all my friends to give me at least one song/artist that I have never heard of before in an effort to expand my musical taste and to understand what interests my friends. Needless to say every time I hear it I am reminded of them. It makes me think of our friendship and the amazing time we have together not to mention that I know we will always be there for each other, as we have been through a lot together. So to my dear friend if your reading this THANK YOU!!!!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
30 songs in 60 days challenge pt2
Rebecca Black - Friday
Well this doesn't really need much explaining, apart from there is a reason why I don't like the mass produced music of the 'younger generation'. Sure there are some great muso's coming up in the ranks but this is not one of them. So I apologize in advance if you listen to this song, but hey I did warn you!!!! LMAO
Sunday, May 1, 2011
30 songs in 60 days challenge pt1
Emily Browning - Asleep