So today is special for a few reasons number one being its my beloved
Tedi's birthday day which has inspired a day of geek filled joy for all.

What can I say about this movie......let me think??? ITS A MUST! Now I adore Joss Whedon and that's no secret as my house is filled with Firefly/Serenity DVD's, books and almost anything else of Whedons I can watch/read/enjoy. However even if you aren't a fan of Joss, avengers or even comics this is a must see.
I won't spoil it for you except to say its funny, witty, clever, beautifully cast, amazing effects and all around the best movie ticket your going to buy this year. So get off that couch, grab some friends and head to your local cinema for some public dreaming. Who knows it may even inspire you to have a go at COSPLAY????
I've uploaded the trailer to get your desire going, so click and get to that cinema
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