Friday, May 29, 2009


So what is a lady to do on a frosty winter night....well the first thing after a hearty dinner is a warm cup of tea and a bit of time to plan.

As we head into June we approach the third year of The Light in Winter is Federation Square's annual winter festival. The Light in Winter brings together artists, designers and communities to explore their ideas of light, enlightenment and hope.

This year the Light in Winter will include thirteen light installations with all power supplied for lighting installations is certified as Green Energy.

"On 20 June, thirteen of Melbourne’s diverse communities will bring more light to winter and to the Square with The Gift of Light. Melbourne’s community is invited to share in this celebration with music and performance on the weekend of the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year which marks the heralding of longer, brighter days."



I adore this time of year as its a chance to get back in touch with all the joys of a roaring fireplace, hearty soups, warm bread rolls, lots of soft fluffy blankets and the great excuse for me to wear hats, scarfs and gloves when ever possible.

So now that I have my Winter Solstice plans taken care of its just a case of dusting of the cookbook for soups and chocolate desserts.


If your mind wanders let it lead you here. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino