Tuesday, November 17, 2009

In this heat

In this heat I am struggling with my love of stockings. I have invested in some stunning pairs from various providers but with the heat wave in Melbourne its proving a little harder to wear everyday.

So many of you may ask why since the invention of pantyhose or tights would anyone want to wear stockings unless you are trying to rev up the engine of your partner.

Well for me personally they make me walk taller, smile more and generally feel spectacular. There is just something special about walking around knowing that under your dress/skirt is the this silken pleasure is there, only for you and for those you wish to share it with.

I do firmly believe that lingerie is the foundation of you day, so with the right beginnings anything is possible.

I can only advise that ladies its time to hit the shops and grad a pair of stocking. Stay ups or true stockings and walk tall in your beauty.


If your mind wanders let it lead you here. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino