Before you get too excited my date wasn't with a person, in fact it was with my favorite city Melbourne. Who can resist a city like Melbourne on a beauty spring day really. So armed with my camera I decided it was time to indulge in some art and spring beauty.
I started with a walk around the city centre and found so many beauty flower stores, it was hard not to grab a bunch of everything but well worth the look. Then a quick stop to visit the many horse drawn carriages that line up on Swanston street as I walked to the Victorian Arts Centre which was my main visiting place. Ok so I did stop in at the Tim Burton exhibition again. I do love seeing those costumes and sketches of Tim's.
Once at the Arts centre I went to their display of costumes for the Australian Opera Company. Sadly I couldn't take to many photos but I did manage to snap this one of a stunning gown made for Dame Nelly Melba. I adore costume design as it draws on past fashion and a big dose of imagination. Well worth the trip. Then I finished my day with a well deserved cupcake and hot chocolate.
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